
The UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women (UN Trust Fund) awards grants to initatives that demonstrate that violence against women and girls can be systematically addressed, reduced and, with persistence, eliminated.


The UN Trust Fund is currently accepting applications for multi-year grants up to 1 million USD. Organisations that qualify for funding under:


  • the three programmatic areas of the UN Trust Fund Strategic Plan 2015-2020,
  • the special window addressing violence against women and girls in the context of the current refugee crisis and
  • the special window addressing violence against women and girls with disabilities.

As an NGO that aims to prevent and eliminate violence against women, Soroptimist International of Europe qualifies for funding from the UN Trust Fund.


The SIE Programme and Advocacy Team therefore encourages Unions and Single Clubs that have a specific project for the purpose of eliminating violence against women, to submit an application. The online application is available now until December 5th here.


Additional information:

About the UN Trust Fund

Application guidelines
