16 September 2018
The biennial friendship meeting of the German-speaking Soroptimists is happening around the conference “Deutschsprachiges Freundschaftstreffen” held from 14 to 16 September 2018 in Austria. The conference takes place in South-East-Styria near the wellknown spa Therme Loipersdorf in the Congress Center of Loipersdorf “Impulsquartier Loipersdorf.” SI Clubs Südburgenland Stegersbach and Juvenilia Südburgenland will act as the hosts on the spot.
In 2018, they are celebrating 100 years of women’s suffrage in Austria, and in terms of human rights are also memorable milestones – this was a determining factor for holding the conference under the title “Women’s rights are human rights”!
The Clubs will engage professional speakers on women and politics, women in business, gender medicine and many other interesting topics.
More information and registration here