
We are on the cusp of entering 2022. And with that comes the excitement of a fresh new year and new year’s resolutions. For our organisation, rather than resolutions, we have goals.  One of which stands above them all, encompassing everything we do. Sustainability.


It is something which is familiar to us all. Possibly one of the most visible, well-known and ambitious examples comes from the United Nations and their 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They were set back in 2015 to be achieved just over 8 years from now, in 2030.


Sustainability has always been at the core of what we do.  That is why at our 2019 Governors’ Meeting in Zagreb, part of the Federation’s strategy 2019-2025 was to formally align itself with at least two of the UN’s SDGs.


The Governors, representing the Unions and Single Clubs Having Rights, selected UN SDG 4, Education, and the UN SDG 5, Gender Equality, to be included in our strategy. As a result, since 2019 both of these UN SDGs have been part of our SIE biennium strategies.


In 2020, our Soroptimist world was drastically impacted by the pandemic. Almost overnight ‘sustainable’ became the key focus for our organisation, members and projects.


To start off the 2021-2023 biennium, the SIE Board has faced the challenge head-on of making the Federation more responsive, flexible and resilient. To this end, the SIE Board has formed five teams focused on each of our Soroptimist Development Goals (SIE SDGs), giving clear direction, focus and objectives to sustain the organisation.



SIE’s 5 SDGs:   


SDG 1  |  Programme and Advocacy

Focuses on ‘back to basics’: education, women’s empowerment; violence against women; health and food security; and the environment


SDG 2  |  Communication

Showcases what Soroptimist is about and increases communication for more visibility


SDG 3  |  Membership Development

Boldly maps out approaches to how to develop our membership, and invests in community feeling


SDG 4  |  Intelligent Reloading

Improves our organisation, our structure, our allocation of our time, money and energy


SDG 5  |  Education

Promotes education through all forms: mentoring, scholarships, Leadership Academies and encouraging women and girls to bravely push for Gender Equality.



Each of our SIE SDGs are guideposts for our actions, behaviours and focus for this 2021-2023 biennium. I believe we can do this. I know we can, and in 2022, together, we will be able to show we can.


Let’s move forward, standing up for women, NOW.


Yours sincerely,


Carolien DEMEY,

SIE President 2021-2023