
SI Club Kungsbacka, Sweden

Through the Internet, pornography is now available to anyone of any age and origin. According to the latest research, young boys are on average 11 years old when they are first exposed to pornography. Watching these images can be traumatic for the younger ones, while the older ones can take what they see in the movies as role models to reach. Indeed, as their sexuality is being built, it is very important to protect our children from behaviours or practices that they do not understand and that they could assimilate to the only possible alternatives. Youth shelters have already reported that young boys become more and more violent when having sex with girls.


SI Club Kungsbacka members wondered how to protect these girls and change the attitudes of some boys. Last May, the club partnered with SI Varberg Club in Halland province to ensure that public schools had installed pornographic filters on their computer equipment. In the fall, the Clubs published an article in a local newspaper to thank the institutions that had already implemented this measure and encourage others to do the same. This article resulted in the publication of several others and a dialogue with local school and political authorities.

Through the Internet, pornography is now available to anyone of any age and origin. According to the latest research, young boys are on average 11 years old when they are first exposed to pornography. Watching these images can be traumatic for the younger ones, while the older ones can take what they see in the movies as role models to reach. Indeed, as their sexuality is being built, it is very important to protect our children from behaviours or practices that they do not understand and that they could assimilate to the only possible alternatives. Youth shelters have already reported that young boys become more and more violent when having sex with girls.


SI Club Kungsbacka members wondered how to protect these girls and change the attitudes of some boys. Last May, the club partnered with SI Varberg Club in Halland province to ensure that public schools had installed pornographic filters on their computer equipment. In the fall, the Clubs published an article in a local newspaper to thank the institutions that had already implemented this measure and encourage others to do the same. This article resulted in the publication of several others and a dialogue with local school and political authorities. Social networks have also played a crucial role in relaying the message and information. This campaign has mapped the use of anti-pornographic filters in schools in the region and two more schools are planning to install it in the short term.



The union of these two Clubs has made it possible to manage this project well and shows that we can defend girls with small efforts.

Social networks have also played a crucial role in relaying the message and information. This campaign has mapped the use of anti-pornographic filters in schools in the region and two more schools are planning to install it in the short term.


The union of these two Clubs has made it possible to manage this project well and shows that we can defend girls with small efforts.