
Soroptimist Club of Pälkäneen seutu, Finland

Believing that education is the best way for young girls to choose their future, the Soroptimists of Pälkäneen seutu, have set up a scholarship system in January allowing those who excel to continue their studies especially in male dominated fields. Supporting them in their studies means enabling them to go further to be free and autonomous women.


The Soroptimists have raised funds through various actions and projects internal to the Club (including the sale of local products) and have managed to raise a substantial amount to achieve their goal. Thus, they set up this scholarship project by preparing a clear and targeted communication which they promoted mainly on their website, social networks and in local newspapers. The young girls interested were thus able to apply online and the selection of scholarship holders was made according to predefined criteria.


The club received an exceptionally large number of applications and very interesting profiles underlining the professionalism and seriousness of these young girls. The average age of the applicants was 22 years old.


Two young girls were selected: Iita Harju and Josefiina Tyllinen. Iita is studying Construction Engineering at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences graduating as a civil engineer. She is following her father’s footsteps, who also was a construction professional.


Josefiina, tells more about her studies:

“I am very grateful for the Soroptimist International of Pälkäne Region for making my stay abroad possible. In spring 2020 I had a chance to study economics and finance in University of Bern, Switzerland. In Bern, I was able to complete my studies with interesting courses that were not taught in my home university, in Turku School of Economics. This, besides international experience I gained, is surely an advantage for my future when competing for jobs in male-dominated finance industry. Unfortunately, COVID-19 forced me to come back home two months earlier than expected but I managed to continue with the courses from Finland. After completing my courses at the University of Bern, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics. Now I am working on my master’s degree in finance.”