
Club of Bad Oeynhausen/Wittekindsland (Germany)

In view of the increasingly alarming figures, the Soroptimist Club of Bad Oeynhausen, together with four other regional clubs, has decided to support the project initiated by the SI Club of Lübbecker Land in 2019 in its fight against violence against women. The main aim is to raise awareness about violence against women. A German study shows that more than one in three women has been victims of violence and that 25% of women suffer from domestic violence.



Soroptimist contacted the local authorities and bakeries to involve them as partners in the project and also managed to get financial support from them. Every effort was made to draw public attention to the problem of violence against women. For example, 126,000 bread bags with the message “violence does not enter the bag” and the freephone number of the national victim support hotline were distributed in bakeries in Bad Oeynhausen-Wittekindsland and Lübbecker Land. The campaign, supported by Soroptimist and the Ministry of the Interior, Municipal Affairs, Building and Equality of North Rhine-Westphalia, was carried out in a number of regional actions and with extensive media coverage.