
A Call to Action for everyone

Cyberviolence not only inflicts emotional harm and psychological trauma but also perpetuates gender inequalities, restricting women’s participation in online spaces.

It’s crucial to recognise these signs early on to take proactive measures to protect yourself and seek support if needed. Do it with no delay.


The first signs of cyber-violence can vary depending on the specific form it takes, but some common indicators include unwanted or excessive communication.


Here are some examples:


  • Receiving persistent messages, emails, or comments that are threatening, harassing, or sexually explicit.


  • Being subjected to abusive language, insults, or derogatory comments on social media platforms, forums, or online gaming communities is online harassment.


  • Experiencing persistent monitoring or surveillance online, such as repeated checks on your social media profiles, location tracking, or creating fake accounts to monitor your activities is stalking behaviour.


  • Having private or intimate photos or videos shared online without your consent, often with the intent to shame, embarrass, or intimidate is non-consensual sharing of intimate images.


  • Discovering fake accounts or websites using your identity or personal information to harass or defame you is impersonation or identity theft.


  • Receiving explicit threats of physical or sexual violence, harm to oneself or loved ones, or other forms of intimidation or coercion constitutes a crime of threat of violence or harm.


  • Having your private information, such as your address, phone number, or financial details, publicly exposed online without your consent, leaving you vulnerable to harassment or identity theft is doxxing or public exposure of personal information.


New forms of cyber violence emerge as perpetrators react to the pressure of legal measures.


Don´t share too much

Be cautious about disclosing sensitive details. Adjust privacy settings. And of course, use strong, unique passwords. Regularly review and limit your online presence by auditing social media profiles.

If you or someone you know shows signs of experiencing cyber-violence, it’s essential to reach out to trusted friends, family members, or support organisations for assistance and guidance.



Our local efforts as Soroptimist members provide a unique opportunity to address cyberviolence through advocacy, digital literacy and education and support services.


This is the reason why we urge you to join us in answering this advocacy call for the 16 Days Campaign 2024, from November 25th until December 10th, to eliminate violence against women and domestic violence.


Rita Nogueira Ramos,

SIE Vice President of Advocacy