About this project '[…] my mentor has given me a huge boost in confidence. This relationship is empowering, and has definitely helped me with understanding myself through healthy dialogue.

On a day-to-day level, she has given me valuable feedback, and continues to share her wealth of experience and know-how in dealing with workplace scenarios and challenges. These sessions keep me open-minded towards new career prospects and opportunities for growth that I might have otherwise missed. Most importantly, Hanane has encouraged me to finally begin trusting myself, take on difficult decisions positively and to take strategic risks’.

This is the glowing testimonial of Amal, one of the young participants in ‘The Link’, a mentoring programme launched by SI Club Dubai.

The established professional women, like Hanane, who volunteer their time to mentor also find the experience inspiring and rewarding.

The programme, one of only a handful in this region, begins with matching, a training seminar and contracting between the mentor and mentee. There are follow-up and quarterly activities to bring participants together for practical skills sessions and dialogues.

Some 45 women have already taken part, many of whom have since obtained employment, been promoted or even started new business ventures.

The Link website